The 2020 Presidential election is ready to be called and Trump has already mentioned months in advance on a few occasions that he will go to the courts to contest the election prior to even knowing if he is close. This is all we need to know to realize he is ready to jeopardize the continuance of Democracy in the United States. The realization that the election was contested by George Bush Vs. Al Gore over a less than a few thousand votes.
We all know that Donald Trump does not care about the country nor the integrity (considering how many of his staff have gone to jail) of an election as long as he wins. This election is about the future of the country, especially when it's no longer seen being run in a Democratic fashion vs. an Autocratic one (Trump has clearly governed by way of Executive Orders). If Trump wins the election with the popular vote then the country will proceed normally, yet with clear resentment of a botched response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which could of been avoided by stopping all air travel as of early February 2020 (documentary Totally Under Control reveals this). The Electoral College vote could see an end if Trump wins the election regardless of attempting to stealing it via the courts.
We call on the Supreme Courts (Amy Barrett to recuse herself) to require the national electorate to justify the outcome of the election, otherwise there will be a lot of regret, regardless of party affiliation.