We just received a promotional copy of the album 'Satire On Satan?' and love it! While the album feels lively it brings in a feel of 'Sonic Youth' mixed in with 'Deerhunter'. We think this album will do great and we are looking forward to future releases. The only thing we wish for on this album was more songs!
The duo 'Black Patterns' is going to be releasing their first album (remastered) "Satire On Satan?" for $2.99 on iTunes (the album was originally on CD only) in Nov. 24th 2009. "Satire On Satan?" featured tracks 'Zero' and 'Sound Of Thunder' on 2 notable compilations which shared tracks with bands such as 'Health' and 'Pete And The Pirates' (UK's 'Stolen Recordings' compilation #2).
You can follow the latest on the band/and their upcoming release here: http://twitter.com/blackpatterns http://myspace.com/blackpatterns http://facebook.com/blackpatterns