It truly doesn't take much to connect the dots that this virus was not only predicted (as per the video Fauci states we will see a pandemic within Trump's administration) but was arranged in plain site. At this point we should all be discussing the matter of steps the non-elected elites trying to play god while curtailing the global population. Yes, this is evil and yes this should be discussed on every opportunity and furthermore, we should be working together to organize protests to speak out and address the death the successfully arranged upon (by now) friends and family who have passed on. You don't have to believe the "Event 201" video nor the World Economic Forum nor the Bill Gates Foundation's connections to their Eugenic agenda.This article below from BusinessInsider exposes the pre-pandemic knowledge that they were creating an experiemental. Regeneron scientists celebrate a successful laboratory experiment in the hunt to develop a COVID-19 treatment. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
With the help of $500 million in federal funding, Regeneron is developing an experimental drug to combat COVID-19 in those that have already been infected using an "antibody cocktail," per The New York Times.
πIn a press release, Regeneron said that initial results from the clinical trials of the drug, begun in June 2019, showed promising results. While Regeneron's cocktail is widely π
The 2020 Presidential election is ready to be called and Trump has already mentioned months in advance on a few occasions that he will go to the courts to contest the election prior to even knowing if he is close. This is all we need to know to realize he is ready to jeopardize the continuance of Democracy in the United States. The realization that the election was contested by George Bush Vs. Al Gore over a less than a few thousand votes.
We all know that Donald Trump does not care about the country nor the integrity (considering how many of his staff have gone to jail) of an election as long as he wins. This election is about the future of the country, especially when it's no longer seen being run in a Democratic fashion vs. an Autocratic one (Trump has clearly governed by way of Executive Orders). If Trump wins the election with the popular vote then the country will proceed normally, yet with clear resentment of a botched response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which could of been avoided by stopping all air travel as of early February 2020 (documentary Totally Under Control reveals this). The Electoral College vote could see an end if Trump wins the election regardless of attempting to stealing it via the courts.
We call on the Supreme Courts (Amy Barrett to recuse herself) to require the national electorate to justify the outcome of the election, otherwise there will be a lot of regret, regardless of party affiliation.
We have evaluated the dynamics of the worst administrations and compared them to all.
Donald Trump will go down in history as the worst President or leader in modern times. If we review his way in (by a country that has wanted change in 2016) and how he navigated the last 4 years it can be easily determined he has failed miserably to be a leader and not only divided a country to epic proportions, but dismantled its fabric of a sound economy he had inherited.
Trump is in the middle of creating high inflation (an indirect tax for everyone for a long long time) aside from dismantling the dollar further (it’s dropped since he took office in 2016). The United States now has Conservative Economists (Warren Buffet) buying gold for their very first time since they expect the economy to follow the Depression level unemployment rates that he created by ignoring the Corona virus. Trump ran the country into the ground just like at least (he hid his Tax Returns for the entire term to know this exact number is hard) 7 of his “businesses” going bankrupt. The US has farmers receiving a massive amount in government aid because he ruined export relations with China. It’s been all around chaos with Trump and to say he is a liability is an understatement.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Bernie Sanders just raised 45.5 Million for the month of February 2020!
While the United States has seen some modest gains as of March 2016, there are significant areas of concern for the global economy. Other important nations are having some continued issues (China is declining in production). China has seen some unique ways of preventing (shutting down it's stock market on 2 occasions) further loss by market manipulation and the European markets are having continued banking/monetary issues. While the top economies are hurting in today's global economy, the U.S. economic issues should not to be taken lightly. The U.S. has a lot of problems with retail sales declining, a new real estate crisis (record foreclosures to come soon), corporate profits are declining (i.e. Apple) and importantly a GDP that somehow keeps getting worse and amazingly over looked (maybe not a surprise that the U.S. government doesn't want to spook investors). Read more: 6 Factors That Point to Global Recession in 2016 | Investopedia
With all this being said, we have a much needed change of stimulus. The stimulus required is that of growing a middle class that has continued to decline due to inflation and continued mass globalization (corporations sending jobs abroad). The only candidate running for president who is speaking out on this issue (For of 25 years now - verify this on youtube) is Bernie Sanders. We have a person that has seen the transfer of jobs to appease corporations, while continuing to send jobs other countries. Corporate greed is the center of this issue, but a president (has not worked with congress) hasn't proposed a balance that would stop jobs leaving the country. Here is a link of what the GDP was for Q4 of 2015. It is overlooked by the government that it continues to drop by the month so far in 2016.
More and more people (TI just today) in the entertainment industry (let alone the political arena) are coming out against Hillary Clinton and endorsing Bernie Sanders (he truly has been stating the obvious on helping the Middle Class and Poor - have you Youtube him going back 20 years yet?). We think you should too. Here are 5 reasons she is not going to help the majority in United States (we could go on why Bernie Sanders will help recreate a middle class and help the deepening divide among the poor and the rich): 1) She will likely continue sending troops to the Middle East. 2) She will likely keep health insurance expensive and we all know that this new system isn't helping out the majority. She has stated repeatedly that she will keep the model of Obamacare active. 3) She will continue the same corporate model of today. Allowing lobbyist money to help herself, just as we saw Dick Cheney make an enormous amount off the Iraq war. 4) She will not help the current state of our elementary schools. She has stood strong by stating that she doesn't feel schools need additional funding. 5) She doesn't feel the need to acknowledge her flip-flopping past. She still sways on her gay marriage ideals. We expect more people speaking out in favor of Bernie Sanders, which include the large groups of the Latino and Black and Youth demographics. Here is the article where TI endorses "Rapper T.I. has some really cringeworthy things to say about Hillary Clinton" Bernie Sanders. - When and where to vote for Bernie in your area. - Donate to Bernie direct on his website here.
So, we are seeing some further shifting numbers in the "Great Recession". The recession is seeming to be getting worse. Today the stock market plummeted further and we have many people looking for work (cities like Santa Ana CA. have an unemployment rate of 10% right now).
By now, we all know someone that has been laid off or is currently looking for work. Let's get real; don't we really have a better way of doing things? Can't companies (especially large corporations i.e. Apple) be given tax incentives to bring more jobs back to the united states?
When will things change... Can't we realize that more and more people are living in poverty, while we have a continued shrinking middle-class?
I recommend you see an eye-opening movie called "Death By China" narrated by Martin Sheen (you can catch it on Netflix). The movie addresses how large corporations are sending manufacturing jobs abroad and how many things we buy today are from China. Oh yeah, do you remember NAFTA? If you don't then Google it!
Some last words: Think about where your purchases were made from now on and who you want to support. Would you like to see your brother or sister with a job instead of someone else in another country? Check the label before buying things or simply walk into a local store or go to your friends website to buy things... (instead of supporting a large corporation i.e. Wal-Mart/Target).
So, what is the deal with asking if you are hispanic?
1) Do people realize that this is racist?
2) Do companies think they will get a hispanic person to work for them with the way this looks?
3) Why aren't more hispanics (Native Americans) caring about this or voicing concern?
4) Do companies realize how many people are of mixed ethnicity that are confused about this... And probably the fact that more people are going to select "Prefer To Not Disclose"?
Sit for a second to look at how bad this looks. This is for an application for a company (a large one) that really has a cultural problem (evident).
GET INFORMED AND VOTE!!! If you have been thinking about voting, do it!
We are witnessing a historic time in U.S. history with high levels of government debt and unemployment. (Make sure you google your facts on what party tends to be better suited for enhancing economics).
Don't let extreme politicians get you cynical to politics!
Editor’s note: In America follows the fight to win an essential voting bloc in Nevada, a battleground state with one of the fastest-growing Latino populations in the nation. Soledad O’Brien reports in “Latino in America: Courting Their Vote” on CNN TV at 8 p.m. ET Sunday.
By Soledad O'Brien with Rose Arce and Khara Lewin, CNN
In the days before a voter registration deadline, Latino groups are usually wrapping up their outreach efforts aimed at driving potential voters to the polls on Election Day. But this election season, Rafael Collazo led a sparse team of volunteers into the streets of Philadelphia, scrambling to get voters he wishes he could have signed up months ago.
"We sort of plan our campaign so that we're not in an extreme rush to the very end," said Collazo, who works for the National Council of La Raza. But this year, his tiny team is running into row houses dotted with Puerto Rican flags, shouting in English and Spanish about the need to register and vote. Team members have visited high schools and tried to rally apathetic youth who would be voting for the first time, if only they would register with the state.
The efforts were delayed because, instead of just registering voters, La Raza and other Latino voter registration groups spent months making sure voters would have the right IDs to show at the polls - though that statewide requirement was put on hold by a judge last week.
So after months of driving people to state offices to get IDs, enduring long lines at motor vehicle departments, and looking for elusive paperwork, these community organizations are now back to registering voters, just a few days before the Pennsylvania deadline. The state accepts new registrants through Tuesday. Monday is Columbus Day, a federal holiday.
"We've never seen such an unprecedented experience as 2012," said Cynthia Figueroa, director of Congreso, which works in Pennsylvania Latino communities. "What was created around the voter IDs and the emphasizing that there was even any voter ID fraud, then the subsequent laws that were passed, created tremendous barriers for individuals in the community. The work and energy that I've seen or the attention around the elections this year, I've never experienced in the time that I have been working in this community."
Activists like Collazo and Figueroa feel the loss of time registering voters acutely this year.
The Pew Hispanic Center released data showing 24 million Latinos are of voting age, a 22% jump over 2008, when Latino turnout came in just under 50%. But the same study estimated that as many as 600,000 had fallen off the voter rolls between 2008 and 2010. Activists saw an opportunity to get Latino voters back into the election process in a way that would increase their political power.
The evolution of the voting process in the last few months sheds light on why Latino organizations doing voter registration may have fallen off track. Registering and voting in Pennsylvania used to be less complicated. As recently as this past spring, you just filled out a registration form and mailed it to your county. Only new voters were asked for identification.
Then in March, the controversial voter ID law was passed by Pennsylvania's Republican-dominated legislature. The law meant that to vote in Pennsylvania, you had to present a Pennsylvania drivers license, a state nondriver photo ID, or a passport, military, college or nursing home ID with a photograph and expiration date. The requirement set off accusations that the law was created to suppress minority voters because they were less likely to have those forms of identification. The Advancement Project estimated that one in six Latinos in Pennsylvania might not have the right ID when they showed up at the polls.
Those accusations intensified in June when Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai, listing legislative victories for his party, said: "Voter ID, which is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania: Done." The ACLU and other voting rights organizations sued.
Latino activists focused on getting people the right ID and hoped that an added requirement wouldn't further deepen voter apathy.
"A lot of the elders and individuals who don't own their own cars, who have difficulty getting around, their ability to travel back and forth and ensure that they have accurate and proper documentation, to not be turned around at one of the Department of Motor Vehicles places who is issuing their photo IDs, was a challenge in and of itself," Figueroa said. "Then we saw a lot of people struggling with not understanding the law once it was introduced, changed a number of times, and it was a 'Who's on first?'"
Their biggest challenges were with the elderly and the young, who often did not have the right identification, nor the resources and time to get it.
"A lot of the centers for the elderly may not have records, accurate records, of where they were born. So that presented another level of frustration for the patient. The other aspect was now that you have all of this information, what are things that are considered as official residency, proof of residency. That kept changing," said Miguel Concepcion, a civic engagement coordinator with the Delaware Valley Community Health Center.
It kept changing because the state made efforts to expand what qualifies as an acceptable ID. Ron Ruman, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of State, said Pennsylvania was now accepting birth certificates and proofs of residency like utility bills. That helped some Latino voters, but not others.
"The Latino community is a very young community in the sense of our growth in the United States. Some of our folks don't own homes. They rent, they lease and they have cell phone bills. Cell phone bills were not an acceptable document or an acceptable bill of proof of address," said Concepcion.
Concepcion, who is usually out registering voters, ended up seeking ID for himself. He had lost his driver's license months ago and had not rushed out to get another because he lives in Philadelphia, where public transit makes it possible to get around without driving. He had credit cards and other ID but nothing that qualified. So he tried to get his birth certificate so he could start the process of getting an ID.
But Concepcion got tripped up by something affecting all Puerto Ricans born on the island. Puerto Rico is in the process of issuing new birth certificates for everyone, a complicated process that he found many other Pennsylvania Latinos were facing. "We had scheduled a family trip to Puerto Rico, not specifically for the purpose of getting my birth certificate, but ended up taking a lot of time just to get my birth certificate. Because I had requested it online, I was given a period of three weeks, which for me was unacceptable," he said. Concepcion finally got it, but by then the state had expanded the rules to include many more forms of ID - so he didn't need it after all.
Latino organizations resumed voter registration drives with limited staffs and budgets, adding on the task of driving people who didn't have ID to state offices where they could get one. "The many changes that have taken place and the implementation slowed us down," said Concepcion. "We were at a meeting one time where (when) we walked in there were seven identifications. By the time that meeting finished an hour later, we find out that there was an eighth identification that was coming out," he said.
John Fund, who authored a book on voter fraud, "Who's Counting," said the voter ID laws in Pennsylvania "not only protect against voter impersonation, they protect against people voting twice, they protect against people voting in more than one state, ... against noncitizens voting, because they're much less likely to show up with an ID or have an ID. So it does impact the integrity of the election."
Thirty states besides Pennsylvania have voter ID rules, most allowing people without ID to fill out provisional ballots if they show up at the polls with identification that doesn't qualify. Pennsylvania was one of five states whose laws were challenged in court.
Ruman said there has been no evidence of widespread past voter fraud and that state officials have been working on getting voters to get identification to carry forward with the new law. When a Pennsylvania judge ruled Tuesday that state officials could not enforce the new law for this presidential election, Latino activists were only somewhat pleased. Figueroa said it's good for Latinos to get ID as a long-term goal, but she wishes making that happen had not taken the place of registering voters in a crucial election. She lamented the loss of time.
"The Pennsylvania Voter ID Coalition and Congreso have been working hard to make sure that when we're talking about the voter ID laws, we're simultaneously talking about registration. There's been so much energy around the voter ID law that just looking at registering new voters and ensuring everybody's prepared to vote, unfortunately I don't think was the top priority," she said.
"And the fact that post the Columbus Day holiday is really the deadline in Pennsylvania to be registered to vote is a challenge. ... The individuals we may have not reached because we were focusing energy and time in terms of this really much greater significant civil rights issue - I hope doesn't have an impact."
MIAMI (AP) — Mitt Romney says gun laws are not the answer to the recent string of mass shootings.
Romney says it's not about the weapons used in the attacks, but about the individuals who choose to commit violence against others.
The Republican presidential candidate spoke hours after a police officer, a gunman and a third person were killed in a shooting near Texas A&M University.
Romney says "thoughtful consideration" is needed about what can be done to prevent violent attacks. But he says he isn't calling for any particular legislation.
Romney noted that there had been three such tragedies in a row, referring to a July shooting rampage in Aurora, Colo., and another attack earlier this month at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis.
The Hispanic voting in presidential elections has traditionally been more bipartisan than most people realize. Upward of 30 percent of Hispanics voted for Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush (1988) and George W. Bush, with Reagan and George W. Bush winning more than 40 percent in their re-election bids. But since Republican candidates decided to make illegal immigration a wedge issue in recent elections, Hispanics have been fleeing the G.O.P. This year doesn’t bode well either.
Romney has to turn his image around among Hispanic voters, and if he doesn’t his chance of winning in November becomes tougher.
Romney will have to work hard to turn his image around among Hispanic voters, and if he doesn’t his chance of winning in November will become tougher. He needs to win in key states where Hispanics make up a significant portion of eligible voters: Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico.
But all is not lost. While Romney may favor “self-deportation,” President Obama has actually deported more illegal immigrants than any president in history — and he’s done so without regard to whether deportation splits families that include U.S. citizens. And the president has done almost nothing to advance immigration reform, never making it a top legislative priority or using any political capital even when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.
Romney’s best bet if he wants to soften his image is to embrace the Dream Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who came here as children if they join the military or attend college for at least two years. If he doesn’t, he could lose not just the overwhelming majority of Hispanic votes, but also the election.
Courtesy of Linda Chavez and The New York Times Opinion column.
We (here at ZINE SCENE) do not support the views of Linda Chavez and feel Romney is out of touch with the American values of the large Hispanic population. Futhermore, we feel Romney needs to consider creative government expenditures that will stimulate hurting company's as Obama did for Chevrolet while in office.
Soundtrack to Volkswagen's new ad sounds suspiciously like "Take Care"
Laura Snapes
on May 18, 2012 at 07:15 a.m.
Here we go again: A new British advert for Volkswagen comes with a song that soundsfreakishly likeBeach House's "Take Care". reports that the song, "Whispers and Stories", was "composed" by a team-- note, not "band"-- called Sniffy Dog, who specialise in this kind of thing. The video depicts a father's caring relationship with his daughter-- ironic, given that the song is ostensibly about not being able to take care of someone at a specific time.
You may remember that Beach House's "10 Mile Stereo" was used in a Guinness ad last year, which would indicate that the band aren't averse to careful syncs. And this isn't the first time that a Sub Pop/Bella Union band has been ripped off on an ad-- a Spanish sports equipment company used a song that bore a suspicious resemblance to Fleet Foxes' "White Winter Hymnal" in 2010, which the label succeeded in having removed from television.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Mitt Romney says he isn't worried about those living in poverty since they have government assistance programs to fall back on. Instead, he wants to focus on helping the middle class. But not everyone is so sure that the nation's lifelines are truly protecting those who need it.
----- Wait... Are you sure many of the record setting recipients aren't originally from the "Middle Class" Mr Romney???
Saying the nation had a "very ample safety net," Romney cited Medicaid, food stamps and housing vouchers as examples of government programs that protect the poor."I'm not concerned about the very poor," the Republican presidential candidate said on CNN Wednesday morning. "There's a safety net there, and if it needs repair I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich, they're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the heart of America, the 95% of Americans who are right now struggling."
The federal government spends hundreds of billions of dollars to feed, shelter and care for those in poverty, which hit a record 46.2 million people in 2010. Demand has skyrocketed as a result of the Great Recession.A record number of people are now receiving government assistance. Roughly 1 in 6 Americans depend on public programs, with the largest two being Medicaid and food stamps.
Spending on all the government's income-based programs, such as food stamps, has increased by one-third to $900 billion under President Obama, according to the Heritage Institute.
Federal outlays on Medicaid was an estimated $275 billion in fiscal 2011, according to the Congressional Budget Office. On average, some 56.3 million people received Medicaid benefits each month that year, though millions more who qualify don't sign up.
Romney, one of the richest candidates to run for president, supports turning Medicaid into a block grant and letting states control the funds. But advocates for low-income Americans worry that could result in lower federal support for the program and, ultimately, cuts in benefits and eligibility.
As for food stamps, the federal government spent more than $75 billion in fiscal 2011, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nearly 45 million people got help buying food, receiving an average monthly benefit of $134.
Still, about one-quarter of those eligible for food stamps don't receive them, experts say. And for many, the monthly check is not enough to cover all their nutrition needs.
Housing vouchers cost the government another $18.3 billion in fiscal 2012. This program, which shelters 2.1 million households, is the largest federal rental aid initiative. Overall, the government puts a roof over the heads of 5 million Americans through various rental assistance efforts at a cost of $34 billion.
But unlike food stamps and Medicaid, housing assistance is not an entitlement. The amount is limited by the funding granted by Congress.
Only one-quarter of eligible families receive federal housing aid, according to Doug Rice, senior policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning group.
So while lifelines do exist for the poor, more can be done to assist the needy, experts said.
"It is a common misconception that we don't have to worry about the very poor because they are covered by existing programs," Elizabeth Lower-Basch, senior policy analyst at CLASP, which advocates for low-income Americans. "In fact, our safety net has many holes."
First Published: February 1, 2012: 3:53 PM ET
Courtesy of By Tami Luhby